April 2019 - Spaulding High School
The Rochester Public Library is pleased to present the artwork of the students of Spaulding High School during the month of April.
Featured works include drawings, paintings, ceramics and papier-mache sculptures in a variety of styles and colors by the following artists:
Jeana Benoit, Erin Boylan, Riley Brooks, Vanessa Chasse, Kathleen Chen, Faithe Copp, Candice Cosco, Heavenlee Draper, Kaleb Ducharme, Brennan Garland, Junebug Grubb, Georgia Guimond, Joshua Heriot, Zachary Keenan, Salem LaCoss, Julia Morgan, Isabella Olsen, Lauren Ouellet, Hieu Phan, Katelynn Smith, Michael Smith, Lilianna Sullivan, Mason Taliaferro
Upcoming events for the Spaulding High School artists include Art Fest in May and a Senior award exhibit this June at Frisbie Hospital.
The Rochester Public Library is located at 65 South Main Street. Call 332-1428 for more information.